Wind of the sea

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Welcome to Louie’s blog! This is the first time that I write an article on the network, how exciting it is!
My Chinese name is Tsai Yu Yu. Three years ago, I graduated from Taichung first senior high school. And I’ve majored in medicine in Chung Shan Medial University for three year in Taichung. However, my home is in Nautou, and I drive to school every day.
Being medical students, we always have heavy duty on studies. However, I still have many hobbies in my leisure time. Mountain climbing is the most important sport for me. It’s the giant landscape and fresh environment that attract me never giving up climbing mountains. I’ve already achieved 31 famous mountains in Taiwan yet. Hearing classical music is another interest for me. Every month I’ll pick a weekend to appreciate some concerts in Taipei or Taichung. My favorite composers are Beethoven, Tschaikowsky and Rachmaninoff. Other hobbies include reading literary novels, traveling and singing. By the way, I had been the director of our school’s chorus.
In the future, I think that I’ll be a doctor no doubt. Perhaps I’ll be a medical or pathologic doctor. Excluding doing bedside job, I hope that I can do some useful research aftertime. Therefore, I’m following my teacher to do some molecular biology experiment recently in laboratory.
Because I have to writing many English articles in laboratory and hospital, English writing is very important subject for me. I hope that I can write fluent and fine article after discipline this year.