Wind of the sea

Monday, January 08, 2007

The New Years Resolution
How fast does the 2006 pass!!! For me, every year is always much abundant than the past year. 2006 is no exclusion. It may be the most beatiful and exciting year in my life for now. However, becausing of too busy on my studying last year, there is certainly no enough time to do many things I want to do in the leisure time. The begining of the year has always been a time for me to regret the past and bring some hope to me about the future. I have made some goals to achieve to cheer me up.

The most important thing for me in 2007 is to obtain the license of doctors. The first wish for me doubtless is passing the national exam of the doctors. After all, to be a doctor is my ambition from my childhood. I'll much concentrate on my studying, and I think I can pass favoringly.

In 2006 Octobor, I make a dicision with my friend that we'll travel to Tibet this summer vacation. We have already done much preparation for now. However, there are so many uncertain factors in the future months. I hope we could disantangle all barriers and complete this trip. And it's the maximal prospect for me this year.

I usually think that it's free and unrestraint being bachelorhood. But... HA!!! If there is another wish that God could endow me, I hope that I could consort a girl friend this year.

I believe 2007 will be much better, and all my wishes should be actualized.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I Dreamed a Dream
Ruthie Henshall From-Music drama"Les Miserables" as Fontine

There was a time when men was kind,
when their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
But it all went wrong
I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would nerver died
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used
And wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung
No wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With the voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame
He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days
With endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came
And I still dream he'll come to me
That we will live years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms
We cannot wheather
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different from what it seemed
Now life has killed
The dream I dreamed


This song is from the music drama "Les Miserable". It's sung by Fontine、a woman who was agonized by fatiguing labor for her daughter's and herself own lives in 18th Paris in the drama. When being fired beacause of being ensnared、Fontine felt that the dream she was dreamed all disappeared. She recalled the wonderful but blind life with her boyfriend who desolated her when she conceived. And she prospected that his husband could be back and they might live together again. However、she also thought that it was impossible and there was nerver any hope in her future life. Life haved killed the dream her dreamed.
What do you want most in a friend/girlfriend/boyfriend—someone who is intelligent、or someone who has a sense of humor、or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you?

It's said that no one coule live without friends. We cognize many kinds of people in our life long, and everyone has his own character, hobby and formative environment. There are some reasons which could make we estabolish a nice friendship with someone. And comparable personality and hobby must be important in making a good friendship. In my opinion, a friend who is reliable is most important.

Realiability makes one have true friendship with the other. Intelligent and humor friends might have consequential influence on my life. These unique qualities of the kinds of people would attract me to consort with them. However, it not just make fine friends for me. I think that the nice friendship should depend on the interaction and reliability. A friend who is reliable and have more interaction with me will indeed realize me more. So we have much chance to become good friends after all. Therefor, I think a friend who is reliable is most important.

A person who be reliable could become verus friend for me. A really friend is who I can reveal complete aspect of me to. They'll understand my personality, behavior and moods, and they don't ask me a lot. I don't have to mask or pretend when companying. When in mood, I can complain to them and they'll try to cheer me up. While in happy, we'll share every fruition. This kind of friends is what I want to company with.
Friends play most important role in everyone's lives. We all should have many friends, and all of we have to learn to be the good friend in someone's thought.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Traveling alone or in a tour group? -- Some people like to travel in a tour group. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer?
I prefer to travel alone compared with in a tour group. The main reason of the preference is that a period of a travel must be free and unrestricted in my opinion.

A travel plays an important role on one's life. It not only brings the disengagement to our monotonous life, but also let us learn unfamiliar knowledge by special ways. For instance, we would be distant from tenseness and bother from cities by touring in countryside. And when taking a trip in a foreign nation, we may experience an outlandish atomosphere and culture that could enrich our information.

Some people would like to travel grouply. A travel represent that we must be in a strange place. Therefor, those who prefer to travel in a tour group will be cared well and completely.
In the period of a travel grouply, there's less hazard or unsafety. And all the traveling schedule almost be attained and completed.

Compared with traveling in a tour group, it seems that there is full of risk and chanciness in traveling alone. However, the surprise and the wonder gained by traveling alone are far away from in tour group. In addition, I think traveling alone is a kind of adventure. In the itinerary, I have to meet all situations, such as hungry, sickness, looseness and larceny, and deal with those by my self. It's another sort of training and education for my personality. Most of all, I'm fond of cruising without astriction and excessive detailed arrangement. It's because of the freedom and unconstraint that journey alone attract me much than in tour group.

I prefer to travel alone. And I hope that I could take a trip by my self last years soon.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


The computer perhaps is the most important invention in the past a hundred years. It changes people's life style, helps us to work more efficiency, and gives us different kinds of communication. Most of all, we can enjoy the entertainment which it brings to us.

The computer has played a great role on our life. It provides us a new method to learn new things. First, we can search much information on the internet which could deal with the problems we meet everywhere. Second, games on the internet give us a lot of funs and pleasure. Finally, there are many programs, like MSN messenger, we can use it to discuss with my friends.

Computers are necessaries for Taiwanese college students. We spend much of the daily life before the computers. We finish our homework with the computer program. We search the information needed on the internet. We discuss the school things with friends through MSN messenger.

Computers bring a lot of convenience to us. However, it costs much no matter money or time. It isolates us from people, and makes our lives more complicated. Learning control our own time and money should be first priority.

We must get the balance on using computers. Computers can help us completing many things but it may cause many problems. So we shoule take advantage of computers, they`ll make our lives much colorful.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Welcome to Louie’s blog! This is the first time that I write an article on the network, how exciting it is!
My Chinese name is Tsai Yu Yu. Three years ago, I graduated from Taichung first senior high school. And I’ve majored in medicine in Chung Shan Medial University for three year in Taichung. However, my home is in Nautou, and I drive to school every day.
Being medical students, we always have heavy duty on studies. However, I still have many hobbies in my leisure time. Mountain climbing is the most important sport for me. It’s the giant landscape and fresh environment that attract me never giving up climbing mountains. I’ve already achieved 31 famous mountains in Taiwan yet. Hearing classical music is another interest for me. Every month I’ll pick a weekend to appreciate some concerts in Taipei or Taichung. My favorite composers are Beethoven, Tschaikowsky and Rachmaninoff. Other hobbies include reading literary novels, traveling and singing. By the way, I had been the director of our school’s chorus.
In the future, I think that I’ll be a doctor no doubt. Perhaps I’ll be a medical or pathologic doctor. Excluding doing bedside job, I hope that I can do some useful research aftertime. Therefore, I’m following my teacher to do some molecular biology experiment recently in laboratory.
Because I have to writing many English articles in laboratory and hospital, English writing is very important subject for me. I hope that I can write fluent and fine article after discipline this year.